Friday, December 19, 2008


My work begins as a reaction to my environment. My approach of artistic communication reflects influences of cultural, spiritual, musical, and poetic energies that surround me daily. The ideas for my work tend to be a complex breakdown of that environment, which began as reactions, then sparked emotional connections with the images therein. I have always been known for my psychological renderings of the complex, with a twist of the imagery that strongly moves me. One could relate to my energizing, yet relaxing metaphors on many levels. I bring so many aspects of culture, desires for change and yearning for the “in your face” nostaglia to the table, that it is truly hard for me to settle for one category of style. I pride myself on being able to blend with every color the universe has to offer and find joy in every characterization that I endulge in daily. The interpretation of my beliefs and experiences translates into works that embody the emotions evoked by my poignant life.


Anonymous said...

Amazing and original!! What talent!

Peter Craig said...

Jake - your work continues to amaze me. There are some very, very cool pieces on display on this site. I particularly like the series on the sea life creatures(it would make for an amazing series of T-shirts0. Keep making your art and when we complete our addition, I will find a spot for a piece or two.

Meghan said...

Jake!!! Great Blog.. i'm going to spread the word.. i love the tribal tree and of course riley logo.. just wanted you to know in the "Bjork Flower close" you forgot the "j" in Bjork - that's really the only critique.. i love your stuff! SO AMAZING! i wish i had that talent!